Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Last Full Day in Tepic

Brenda sharing the Gospel

This village can only be reached by boat and hiking. But - see the red roofed building in the lower left?  That is the church. AND they have an AWANA program!

David, Jasson and Clif
Pre Flight Inspection

Yesterday was incredible.  David wanted to take the ladies up in the plane to survey the land see the remote villages that have heard the Gospel. We woke to beautifully clear skies, that turned into fog the closer we got to the airport.  But, as the guys were doing the pre-flight inspection and cleaning out the airplane, God burned off the fog and after instructions about the seat belt and headphones, we were able to take off. 
Erik cleaning the plane

What a beautiful country!  So very green and tropical!  David showed us a village that is reachable only by boat and hiking in. However, God is so good! The village has a number of believers, a church, and an AWANA program! 

We flew over a beautiful lake that stretches 50 miles.  It is a major source of food for the Huichol people.  The ride was wonderful, the mountains are beautiful and we had a great time.  Chris even got to fly for a few minutes, as she had the co-pilot seat. 

When we landed, we went to breakfast at a great little restaurant.  Since those who had wrestled with Montezuma were hungry but still not quite 100%, breakfast for most of them was fairly light, eggs and coffee. Oh, and the coffee was wonderful!  It has this wonderful subtle taste of chocolate!  It's not at all like a mocha, but so much better!

Our Flight Attendant - who forgot the coffee and pretzels!
Becky and Mike, from Casa de Ninos

We then headed over to Casa de Ninos, where we met Becky and Mike, a couple from Missouri, who work with the children.  Becky has a library every Monday, and we spent time with the books we brought reading to and being read to by the children. 

They currently have 13 children, ranging in age from young elementary school up to 20.  We were asked not to show individual pictures of them, but I can share the group picture.

It was back to the room to shower and post tons of pictures to Facebook before heading to the Hunttings for dinner with their family and the pastor of the church, Pastor Martin, his lovely wife Eren, and two sons Jonathan (almost 20) and David (17).  The young men are incredible - Jonathan is very interested in videography; he runs the media for the church, using Easy Worship, a program I am familiar with as we use it in one of our rooms at church.  The things he could do with it rival Pro Presenter :)  I believe he also plans the worship service.  He spent quite a bit of time talking with me about work related things, and then switched to talking to Tom about IBM and the opportunities there.  (All with the help of our wonderful interpreter/hostess/new dear friend, Debbie Mellberg.) 

David is a gifted teacher and accomplished violinist.  He gave the lesson at the Huichol village, and again in AWANA Saturday night.  When asked to share, he indicated his passion was for the children - to see them come to the Lord. 

I was very impressed with both of these young men.  Before they shared what they were doing in their lives, they spoke so highly about their parents, the life they saw lived out daily in their parents' lives.  The love for the Lord first of all, for their family, for the Huichol people is so evident in all their lives.  (Lord, please change me and give me the passion they have!) 

In March, during the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, the church, Pastor Martin, Eren, and Debbie put on a camp for the Huichol people.  They expect to have up to 100 teens.  They shared some major prayer requests for this outreach - first, as they write the curriculum. Debbie, Eren and Pastor Martin will write it, then have it translated into Huichol.  The Huichol pastors who work with them will then teach it.  There is a financial cost of about $30 per person. Because the Huichols are so poverty stricken, funding is difficult.  They provide scholarships, but still the need is great.  Pray for the hearts of the people to be prepared to receive the Gospel.

Today, we are going out for brunch, then heading to Puerto Vallarta.  David and Olivia are going to go with us, and we will be celebrating David's birthday.  We head home on Friday.  

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