Monday, July 21, 2014


What’s your favorite part about visiting a new place — the food? The architecture? The people watching?

The Colosseum.
The Ancient Ruins.  The Roman Circus.  Trevi Fountain.  The Spanish Steps. The Vatican and all her museums. The people - oh the people! Masses and masses of them, on every street.   The variety of clothing that those in service to the Catholic church wear, depending on their Order.  The ceremonial clothing of the Swiss Guards.   The food!  Stopping every block and sampling gelato, wine, pizza.  Those are my impressions of Rome.   Those are the images that come to mind when I think of visiting that great city. 

Then on to another ancient city - Florence! 

David in all his glory, both in the square and in the museum.  All the Renaissance art - every where you turned.  Walking through the Uffuzi, and being impressed with the fact that, yes, I DID remember some art history.  I was impressed by the arrangement of the museum; you could see the development of art throughout the centuries.  If I could go back and soak it all in for a long time, I would. 

Paris - Oh Paris.  Beautiful city.

Instead of gelato shops, there were crepe shops on every corner.  Of course, there is the most famous structure - the Eiffel Tower.  Then there are the Boulangerie -the French bakeries with all the wonderful pastries!   And of course the  beautiful cathedrals of Sacre Coeur and Notre Dame

The Louvre, with its incredible art; the Pompedieu Museum with its modern art.  So very much to see and absorb that four short days were not nearly enough. 

So, my answer to the question - yes, all of the above!  

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